The Cold War

Reality or illusion?

Der Kalte Krieg

english                       russisch                    deutsch

  From 1947 to 1989 the Cold War raged between America and the UDSSR. America had around 200 million inhabitants at the time, the USSR around 150 million inhabitants. Together they had around 350 million inhabitants. These 350 million inhabitants paid for the Cold War with their tax money. But who waged it against each other?

  Was it the American tilers who fought the Cold War against the Russian tilers? Well, not really. Then maybe the painters, bricklayers and floor fitters? Not either. The housewives, commercial employees, industrial workers, taxi drivers or the roofers and roof plumbers. Not again? Or maybe the carpenters, shoemakers or watchmakers? Not either. American doctors against Russian nurses? That has never been seen anywhere, neither in America, nor in Russia or anywhere else in the world. Which Americans fought the Cold War against which Russians? It wasn't the garbage collectors in either country. Nor were the children, pensioners and pregnant women? Now we have almost the entire population of both countries, but nobody fought the Cold War against each other? Then maybe the politicians?

Quote from Horst Seehofer, Federal Minister: "Those who decide are not elected, and those who are elected have nothing to decide."
Quote from Ronald Reagan: "I cannot imagine how one can be an American president without having learned to act."
Quote from Franklin D. Roosevelt 1912: "Behind the supposedly democratic governments sits an invisible government that owes the people no loyalty and recognizes no responsibility."

  Politicians in their respective countries decide on events in their country. In world politics they have nothing to decide. They are just puppets. But who decides then?

   You have to start from the very beginning.
The disaster began 2000 years ago:

  The hot wars of the Cold War took place beyond the core area of ​​the two enemy blocs. More than 150 major armed conflicts, so-called "proxy wars," were fought in the "Third World" between 1945 and 1989. 22 million people lost their lives in them. Mikhail Gorbachev ended the Cold War in 1989. The proxy wars were never ended. To this day, they are more violent than ever and more heavily armed than ever before.

  None of these people on our planet ever waged a cold war against each other. They all just paid for this old-fashioned nonsense with their tax money. Many millions of them with their lives. Men, women and children. Escape is often the only way out.

world population
Imprint:    badhofer  Steyr AUSTRIA         Steyr, 12.06. 2024     
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